San Diego, CA Patent Attorney

Trademark and Patent Law Group in San Diego, CA

Getting a trademark can be the difference between keeping your intellectual property or getting it stolen. Trademarking services provide a security blanket over an idea, brand, and other types of intellectual property.

If you own a business or have a revolutionary idea that you need to be protected legally in San Diego, CA, contact one of our lawyers at Axenfeld Law Group. Our law group in San Diego, CA, has in-depth, extensive knowledge pertaining to trademarks, patents, and copyrights to make sure that if someone tries to steal your idea, brand, and intellectual property, then they will be liable for legal action if they continue using it.

Trademark and Patent Law Group in San Diego, CA
Federally Licensed Patent Attorney in San Diego, CA

Federally Licensed Patent Attorney in San Diego, CA

If you have tried to copyright, patent, or trademark a brand, idea, image, collective piece of art, literature, or other tangible and non-tangible ideas but need clarification on the legality of it all, then we can provide assistance. Our San Diego, CA, federally licensed patent attorneys are awaiting your call today.

After you call, we will get straight to work with whatever patenting services you require. Our law group is known nationally and internationally because of our ability to deliver for our clients and our extensive knowledge of copyrights and patents.

Intellectual Property Trademark and Copyright Services in San Diego, CA

If you are looking for trademark protection, patent protection, and copyrighting services, then you have come to the right place. At Axenfled Law Group, we have the tools and personnel to help with whatever intellectual property trademark services you need to accomplish. When choosing us, you have the assurance that your patent, trademarks, and copyrights will be protected legally.

If someone attempts to steal your intellectual property, then they will be liable. We are now offering our services to San Diego, CA, residents because we know that people out here have great ideas and could use our help. Call our law group today if you need intellectual property trademark and copyright services in San Diego, CA.

Intellectual Property Trademark and Copyright Services in San Diego, CA