Trademark Services in Westwood, CA

Trademark Services in Westwood, CA

Trademark Services in Westwood, CA

Protect your Westwood Trademark Today!

What should you look for when hiring a Westwood, CA trademark attorney?

An experienced Westwood, CA trademark attorney can help you navigate the best way to register, maintain, and protect your trademark. Whether you are considering trademark registration, defending against accusations of trademark infringement, or enforcing your rights against trademark infringers, choose a trademark attorney who is familiar with all areas of intellectual property law. An attorney who can advise you not only on trademark matters but also trade secret law, patent law, unfair business practices, and copyright law will help ensure you are protected on all sides.

Finally, ask if the attorney has experience handling cases for the types of goods and/or services covered by your trademark. You will feel at ease knowing your attorney is familiar with the nuances of your industry.

Westwood, CA Trademark Attorney
What if someone posted my photo and removed my Westwood copyright information?

What if someone posted my photo and removed my Westwood copyright information?

“Copyright Management Information” (or CMI) includes the identifying information about a work’s copyright owner, among other things. Digital Millennium Copyright Act created a separate prohibition from knowingly removing or altering Copyright Management Information. If someone has knowingly removed your watermark, the title of the artwork, the year it was created, your name, or certain other identifying information from your photo before posting it to social media, you may have a cause of action against that person. The key is that the other person must have known, or had reason to know, that their actions would induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal an infringement. The attorneys at Axenfeld Law can assess your options and determine the best course of conduct to enforce your rights.

Trademark Search Services in Westwood, CA

Trademark Search Services in Westwood, CA

Trademark search services are an essential step in the trademark registration process, helping individuals and companies determine if their desired trademark is available for use and registration. A thorough trademark search can reveal any conflicting trademarks that could potentially prevent the registration of a new trademark. Axenfeld Law Group’s trademark search services include a review of existing trademarks in databases, as well as a search of common law usage, company names, and domain names. Based on your needs, we will research the relevant market for your goods/services, and are able to perform an international search as well. Utilizing Axenfeld Law Group’s trademark search service may avoid costly legal battles and disputes over trademark infringement. Axenfeld Law Group recommends all individuals and businesses conduct a comprehensive trademark search before applying for trademark registration to ensure the desired mark is available and to avoid wasting time and resources on an application that may be rejected or opposed.

Patent Services in Westwood, CA

Get your Westwood Patent!

Intellectual Property Law Services in Westwood, CA

Protect your Westwood Intellectual Property!