Trademark Services in Knoxville, TN

Trademark Services in Knoxville, TN

Knoxville, TN Trademark Attorney

How do I protect a name?

You can protect your business or product name from being used or diluted by a competitor with a trademark. A trademark is an intellectual property right that gives you the right to exclude others from using your name in a confusingly similar manner. There are several ways to acquire a trademark, including through state agencies or simply through use in commerce, but the way to obtain the greatest amount of protection is to register your name with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A Knoxville, TN trademark attorney can help you file a federal trademark application, and if granted, you will have the right to enforce your trademark throughout the entire United States. You will also have a legal presumption that you own the trademark. Anyone who sues to challenge your trademark will bear the burden of proving otherwise.

How do I protect an invention in Knoxville, TN?

Inventions can be protected by patents. Patents are a form of intellectual property right that give a patent owner the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention for a specific period of time. A patent owner has the right to sue someone for patent infringement who is making, using, or selling their invention without their. In order to obtain a patent in the United States, you must file a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office (USPTO), disclosing enough information about your invention to satisfy the USPTO that your invention has some useful purpose, is novel, and is not obvious to ordinarily-skilled people in your field. U.S. patents can last for up to 20 years, after which your intellectual property rights expire, but unlike with trade secrets, Knoxville, TN patent owners do not have to maintain the confidentiality of their invention.

How do I protect an invention in Knoxville, TN?

Five different types of Utility Patents in Knoxville, TN

A utility patent is a legal protection granted to investors for new, useful, and non-obvious inventions. There are five major types. A “process patent” is a protection granted to anyone who invents or discovers a new and useful process, which can include chemical, industrial, or technological processes. A “machine patent” protects mechanical devices or combinations of mechanical elements that work together to produce a certain effect or result. A “manufacture patent” protects the method with which a new or original product is manufactured. A “composition of matter patent” covers new and useful compositions of matter, whether they be chemical compounds or mechanical mixtures, and include gases, fluids, powders, or solids. Finally, an “improvement patent” protects the distinction between a new product and previously existing products of a similar type.

Five different types of Utility Patents in Knoxville, TN
Trademark Search Services in Knoxville, TN

Trademark Search Services in Knoxville, TN

Trademark search services are an essential step in the trademark registration process, helping individuals and companies determine if their desired trademark is available for use and registration. A thorough trademark search can reveal any conflicting trademarks that could potentially prevent the registration of a new trademark. Axenfeld Law Group’s trademark search services include a review of existing trademarks in databases, as well as a search of common law usage, company names, and domain names. Based on your needs, we will research the relevant market for your goods/services, and are able to perform an international search as well. Utilizing Axenfeld Law Group’s trademark search service may avoid costly legal battles and disputes over trademark infringement. Axenfeld Law Group recommends all individuals and businesses conduct a comprehensive trademark search before applying for trademark registration to ensure the desired mark is available and to avoid wasting time and resources on an application that may be rejected or opposed.

Provisional Patent Application in Knoxville

The benefits of filing a provisional patent application in Knoxville

A provisional patent application is a document issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") that protects an invention for a year before a formal patent application is filed. Filing a provisional patent application has several important benefits to inventors and entrepreneurs. Firstly, provisional patent applications have less formal requirements and are more cost effective than nonprovisional applications. Secondly, they allow inventors to begin commercially promoting their invention immediately without fear of having it stolen. Thirdly, a provisional patent application serves as the effective date of filing for the invention, allowing inventors twelve additional months on the term of their patent grant and the right to use the term "patent pending."

What type of services does a trademark attorney provide to register a Knoxville trademark?

What type of services does a trademark attorney provide to register a Knoxville trademark?

When going through the trademark registration process, an attorney will be able to provide you with legal advice regarding your trademark, conduct a clearance search before you file an application (which will provide insight into the registerability of the mark and any potential issues that may arise during the application review process), prepare your application accurately to minimize office actions, communicate with the USPTO directly on your behalf, and shield you from fraudulent solicitations from third-party vendors. An attorney can also help you enforce and maintain your trademark rights and represent you at the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.