Intellectual Property Law Services in Laurel, IN

Intellectual Property Law Services in Laurel, IN

What should you look for when hiring a Laurel, IN trademark attorney?

An experienced Laurel, IN trademark attorney can help you navigate the best way to register, maintain, and protect your trademark. Whether you are considering trademark registration, defending against accusations of trademark infringement, or enforcing your rights against trademark infringers, choose a trademark attorney who is familiar with all areas of intellectual property law. An attorney who can advise you not only on trademark matters but also trade secret law, patent law, unfair business practices, and copyright law will help ensure you are protected on all sides.

Finally, ask if the attorney has experience handling cases for the types of goods and/or services covered by your trademark. You will feel at ease knowing your attorney is familiar with the nuances of your industry.

Laurel, IN Trademark Attorney

What are the benefits of hiring a Laurel trademark attorney to protect your brand or name?

Trademark attorneys specialize in all areas of trademark law, including registration at the USPTO, counseling, and enforcement. Because there are many nuances in trademark law, having an experienced attorney guide you will help avoid potential complications, especially during the registration process. For example, a Laurel trademark attorney will know which forms to file with the USPTO, which classes of goods and/or services to apply in, and how to describe these goods and/or services. An attorney will not only be able to help you accurately prepare your application, but will also be able to respond to the USPTO if the examiner finds any issues with the application.

Laurel Trademark Attorney

Trademark Services in Laurel, IN

Protect your Laurel Trademark Today!

Five different types of Utility Patents in Laurel, IN

A utility patent is a legal protection granted to investors for new, useful, and non-obvious inventions. There are five major types. A “process patent” is a protection granted to anyone who invents or discovers a new and useful process, which can include chemical, industrial, or technological processes. A “machine patent” protects mechanical devices or combinations of mechanical elements that work together to produce a certain effect or result. A “manufacture patent” protects the method with which a new or original product is manufactured. A “composition of matter patent” covers new and useful compositions of matter, whether they be chemical compounds or mechanical mixtures, and include gases, fluids, powders, or solids. Finally, an “improvement patent” protects the distinction between a new product and previously existing products of a similar type.

Five different types of Utility Patents in Laurel, IN

Intellectual Property Law Services in Laurel, IN

Protect your Laurel Intellectual Property!

How do I protect my Laurel, IN brand?

Brands can be protected by trademarks and trade dress. “Word marks” are a form of trademark that can protect the actual wording of a brand name, while “design marks” are trademarks that protect the stylization or graphical elements of your brand name. Additionally, trade dress can protect the design, shape, or appearance of you protect, such as a distinctive bottle or textile pattern. You can obtain a federal trademark or trade dress by registering with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A trademark attorney can help you search existing trademarks and trade dresses to ensure your brand is unique, and then file a trademark application on your behalf. If approved, you will have the legal right to exclude anyone else from trying to mimic your brand, whether by appropriating the words or design elements of your brand.

How do I protect my Laurel, IN  brand?